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Why hiding behind abstraction is not enough for SaaS applications
Category: News/Latest
... hide. Building reliable SaaS applications from non-reliable services demands a fault-tolerant approach. Abstraction just doesn’t cut it any more. Whether using frameworks, cross-platform toolkits or ...Thursday, 03 April 2008 -
If you think SaaS solves all your platform troubles then think again!
Category: News/Latest
ISVs have spent large amounts of time and money to abstract applications away from the underlying platform. They invested as every on-premise customer had a different combination of hardware and software. ...Monday, 31 March 2008 -
Visual Workflow Designer Making a Splash
Category: News/Latest
... value from. Plus, its uniquely simple visual design definitely breaks away from most web-based applications. Mark Hendrickson of TechCrunch says in “LongJump Wants You to Stop Pushing Paper Around ...Wednesday, 26 March 2008 -
LongJump Presents at Under the Radar
Category: News/Latest
Last year, LongJump gave a sneak peak of the customizable business applications platform at the Under the Radar conference presented in Mountain View, California by Dealmaker Media. Today LongJump is back ...Thursday, 20 March 2008 -
Home Page
Category: 'Uncategorised Content'
... model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over the Internet. With PaaS, operating system features can be changed and upgraded frequently. ...Thursday, 11 September 2008 -
CTI Applications
Category: Web Links / links 1