Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Survey reveals 2,548 German ISVs asleep at the (SaaS) wheel!

A recent survey of small to medium-sized German ISVs revealed half have no plans to move to SaaS. Are these ISVs asleep at the (SaaS) wheel, or are they right to ignore SaaS? Here in Germany you do not fall asleep on the Autobahn if you plan to survive for much longer.
Ignoring SaaS is just as high-risk. German ISVs must start working on their SaaS solutions while they still have the chance.

A survey of 5,200 small to medium-sized German ISVs caught my attention last week. A report by ComputerWoche summarised the findings of a SoftGuide survey on SaaS. SoftGuide is a software and IT services buyer’s guide for the German-speaking market.

  • 5% of ISVs do not have a SaaS offer, but plan to launch a SaaS solution soon.
  • 49% of ISVs do not have a SaaS offer, and have no plans to add one in the coming year.
  • 21% of ISVs already offer a SaaS solution.
  • Of this 21%, around half are happy with the way their SaaS sales are growing.

Uwe Annuss, SoftGuide’s Managing Director:

… Most of the companies listed in SoftGuide are small and medium-sized ISVs. The results of our survey show that, for these ISVs, the time for SaaS has not yet arrived.

I find it worrying that so many small to medium-sized German ISVs are ignoring SaaS. It is exactly these ISVs that are at the most risk.

Here in Germany I often hear the view business will carry on as before. There is no urgent need to worry about changing for the future. That attitude will cost many ISV owners their business.

Ignoring SaaS is high-risk — like falling asleep when driving on a German Autobahn, which I also do not recommend.

German ISVs: Wake-up and take control of the (SaaS) wheel!

Start work on your SaaS solution today. Use Platform as a Service to keep costs low. Plan to deploy your first SaaS iteration as quickly as possible to gain visibility and experience. Your future competitors have already started.

Coming Up…

Next time on paasTalk I have a follow-up to my recent post Is jetting to Cuba this summer a bad idea for European SaaS ISVs? on new US rules for online businesses that are another step towards privatising law enforcement: SaaS ISVs: Know your customers or risk going to jail.

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