Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Hello world!

Welcome to paasTalk–the independent blog on Platform as a Service. paasTalk delivers independent news and views on this important development, with an emphasis on the Europe-specific challenges facing ISVs moving to PaaS.
ISVs need new tools to build and deploy SaaS solutions

ISVs face new challenges to build and deploy SaaS solutions: new technologies, business models and much lower barriers to entry.

Development and deployment technology are no longer competitive differentiators with SaaS; ISVs can now buy these as utility services from PaaS providers. Platform as a Service allows ISVs to focus on creating unique business features to astound their customers.

PaaS is a competitive must for European SaaS ISVs

PaaS is a big change for ISVs who mistrust all in one solutions. Even so, PaaS is a strategic change in how successful SaaS ISVs will build and deploy solutions for their niche.

Andrew Biss writes the paasTalk blog to give European ISVs independent news and views on this important change in the ISV business model. paasTalk has a special focus on the special challenges that face European ISVs moving to PaaS.

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